Here are the results! We had you choose your top 2 because all of us tend to have 2 main Elements that we align with. Knowing both of your Elements will help you express your strengths more freely. Such knowledge also empowers you with gratitude for your weakness, along with unique practices to shine from your true nature.
Once you have identified your Element, you may enjoy living more empowered from your Element. Our webinar includes personalized practices you can integrate into your daily life such as herbal therapies, acupressure, work style, exercise and activities more suited for your Element, and many more wonderful options to equip you to rise fully. Here’s the link to get started:
Photo by Dave Herring on Unsplash
Wood is the Element you favor if you chose mostly “a” throughout the survey. Wood is such a vibrant Element! It is associated with springtime, so Wood people tend to be bursting with new ideas, plans to lay out, and are full of vigor and drive. When the newness wears off or plans shift from what you expected, frustration and anger may arise in those who are Wood. This is why patience is the balancing practice for Wood. You will actually be stronger as you allow flexibility some space in your mind and plans.
Photo by Benjamin DeYoung on Unsplash
If you found yourself drawn to answer most of the questions with option “b”, then you have the Fire Element as one of your primary Elements. What a wonderful Element to be! Fire tends to be full of passion, loves connecting with others, and is able to more freely express emotions especially of joy. This personality tends to be the life or the party or at least at the heart of getting together. They crave togetherness more than any other Element. One characteristic that Fire people tend to benefit most from is wisdom. Since fun and connection can be so much on the top of the mind motivating actions, it is important to have a practice of grounding in wisdom to prevent being swept away in busyness or other people’s opinions.
Photo by Ales Krivec on Unsplash
If you picked mostly “c” as your response to the questions, then you are predominantly Earth Element. Earth is a fantastic Element! People who favor Earth have tendencies to work hard yet bring in humor or music to keep things lighthearted. They have the nickname “faithful farmer” because Earth folk tend to actually enjoy working on one project or another. Practicing generosity is a counterbalancing habit for the Earth emotional weakness which is to worry. As you give, you may find yourself more aware of the abundance surrounding you.
Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash
The next Element is Metal, and if you chose mostly “d” options, then you are predominantly Metal. What a strong and capable Element to be! Metal is considered the “Superman” Element because strength and problem-solving tend to be instinctive qualities Metal people have. Every Element does come along with its own kryptonite, which tend to be gut, skin, or breathing/sinus issues for Metal. Perseverance is a practice that will support you if you are Metal in order to overcome the emotional weakness of sorrow. Knowing that you may not be able to muscle your way through issues but you can still press forward with some consistency will help you stay buoyant during trials.
Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash
Last but certainly not least is the Water Element which is the Element paired with those who chose mostly “e” responses. What a capable and essential Element! Embracing change, being understanding of others, and maintaining mellowness are natural strengths that Water people tend to hold. Because they are able to go with the flow so easily, practicing a sense of moral judgement is actually balancing for Water people. Holding your own morals will help you stay centered rather than tossed around by all the philosophies and opinions out there. Such a practice also helps overcome fear and paralysis, which are the common emotional weaknesses to Water.
You are welcome to join us in our webinar if you’d like to know more about your Element and living more freely and fully expressing yourself!