Orlando's Answer to Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Pain Treatment

Many people recognize the tightness and pain on the bottom of their foot as plantar fasciitis.  However, until now there have been few ways to deal with the associated pain besides getting a cortisone injection.

Plantar Facsitis is caused by the stretching of the bottom of the connective tissue on the bottom of the foot.  When this fascia stretches it develops microscopic tears which cause those who suffer with this condition high levels of pain.  Although cortisone injections may temporarily decrease the inflammation in the foot associated with this repetitive injury, that intervention doesn’t correct the underlying issue.

Chiropractic adjustments can be used to allow the joints in your foot to move correctly again.  When the foot joints move correctly it allows the fascia on the bottom of the foot to relax, thus helping it to not tear further.  Join the many people who have experienced a complete remission of their symptoms through this innovative treatment offered by by Orlando’s Foot, Knee and Hand Chiropractor, Dr. Joel Dayton.

If you experience symptoms such as these, you'd be an excellent candidate in our Orlando practice.

  • Tightness of the bottom of the feet when waking up in the morning
  • Pain on taking your first steps of the day
  • Painful nodules on the underside of the base of your toes
  • Pin-point tenderness of the heel

Book your appointment today to not only get the pain relief you're looking for but also to heal your feet the way you want.