
Shoulder pain treatment, A non-surgical approach

The shoulder has an intricate and unique muscle system which helps it to track correctly. When one of these muscles isn't firing correctly it can predispose us to an injury. 

The best means of chiropractic treatment for a shoulder problem should include assessment of the shoulder muscles to ensure that after an adjustment is made, the shoulder will have the musculature working in proper sequence so it can maintain it's position.

Inhibited muscles give us good information about the stability of your shoulder and also tells us how your brain is interpreting the motion.

At Clear Route Health Partners, we test all of your shoulder muscles before and after we adjust to ensure that the muscles are firing in their proper order. 

After adjustments, other modalities such as ultrasound, cold laser or Kinesio taping can be used to help in the healing process.

Each patient that comes into our office is given exercises to help rectify their specific concern and maintain healthy joints for the long term.

If you're interested in being treated by Dr. Dayton, Orlando's premier Foot, Knee & Hand Chiropractor, submit your information below via the link, or feel free to further explore our website.